10 reasons to start playing ping pong
The game of table tennis is so universal that both a schoolchild and an elderly person can play it, professionally and for the soul. The ping pong table does not take up much space and can be easily removed when the game is over. But its presence can replace the gym, since a lot of energy is spent during active play, and the body evenly receives the loads necessary for health. What else can a ping-pong game surprise you with?
1 During one match, an athlete must "run" from 4 to 7 km of distance;
2 Ping-pong helps to lose weight no worse than playing tennis or swimming "breaststroke";
3 Ping Pong improves vision by training the eye muscles. This is an excellent prevention of myopia and hyperopia, especially for those who work a lot at the computer;
4 Table tennis develops reaction, which is why astronauts are required to do it while preparing for a flight into space. Ping-pong is also recommended for hockey goalkeepers, baseball players, epee players and other athletes;
5 Table tennis through the development of analytical and operational thinking to teach to make quick and correct decisions;
6 Playing ping-pong trains the vestibular apparatus and helps to get rid of seasickness;
7 Table tennis helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, bring pressure back to normal;
8 The game of ping-pong hones the movement of the brushes to jewelry perfection, so it is an ideal and enjoyable sport for children who have a hard time writing and reading;
9 Table tennis develops the oblique abdominal muscles well and forms a beautiful abs;
10 Table tennis is a great stress reliever and also a cure for depression.
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